Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Ndsn | |
▼Nrpc | |
Crpc_message_helper | |
▼Nservice | |
Czauto_lock | |
Czauto_read_lock | |
Czauto_write_lock | |
Czevent | |
Czlock | |
Czrwlock_nr | |
Czsemaphore | |
▼Ntools | |
Cfault_injector | |
Cnativerun | |
Cprofiler | |
Csimulator | |
Ctool_app | |
Ctool_base | |
Ctoollet | |
Ctracer | |
C__io_mode_modifier__ | |
C__tls_dsn__ | |
Caio_provider | |
Caio_task | |
Cclientlet | |
Cconnection_oriented_network | Incomplete network implementation for connection oriented network, e.g., TCP |
Cdisk_aio | |
Cempty_callback_t | |
Cenv_provider | |
Cerror_code | |
Cgpid | |
Cilock | Lock interface |
Cis_aio_callback | |
Cis_aio_callback< TFunction, typename std::enable_if< function_traits< TFunction >::arity==2 >::type > | |
Cis_raw_rpc_callback | |
Cis_raw_rpc_callback< TFunction, typename std::enable_if< function_traits< TFunction >::arity==3 >::type > | |
Cis_typed_rpc_callback | |
Cis_typed_rpc_callback< TFunction, typename std::enable_if< function_traits< TFunction >::arity==2 >::type > | |
Clock_nr_provider | Non-recursive exclusive lock |
Clock_provider | Recursive exclusive lock |
Clogging_provider | |
Cnetwork | Network bound to a specific rpc_channel and port (see start) !!! all threads must be started with task::set_tls_dsn_context(null, provider->node()); |
Cnfs_node | |
Cperf_counter | |
Cperf_counter_ | |
Cremote_copy_request | |
Cremote_copy_response | |
Crpc_address | |
Crpc_handler_info | |
Crpc_read_stream | |
Crpc_replier | |
Crpc_request_task | |
Crpc_response_task | |
Crpc_session | |
Crpc_write_stream | |
Crwlock_nr_provider | Non-recursive rwlock |
Csafe_handle | |
Csafe_late_task | |
Csafe_task_handle | |
Csemaphore_provider | Semaphore |
Cserverlet | |
Cservice_app | |
Ctask | |
Ctask_c | |
Ctask_code | |
Ctask_queue | Task queue batches the input queue for the bound task worker(s) (threads) |
Ctask_spec | |
Ctask_worker | Task worker processes the input tasks from the bound task queue |
Cthreadpool_code | |
Ctimer_safe_task | |
Ctimer_service | Timer service schedules the input tasks at specified timepoint |
Ctimer_task | |
Ctransient_safe_task | |
Curl_host_address | |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< ::dsn::rpc_address > | |
▼Cdsn_address_t | Rpc address, which is always encoded into a 64-bit integer |
Cu_t | |
▼Cdsn_app | Developers define the following dsn_app data structure, and passes it to rDSN through dsn_register_app so that the latter can manage the app appropriately |
Clayer1_callbacks | App definition, mask = DSN_APP_MASK_APP |
▼Cdsn_app_callbacks | Callbacks needed by the frameworks, application developers need to implement some of them so that certain frameworks will work (see each individual framework for its requirements) |
Capp_callbacks | |
Cdsn_app_info | Application information retrived at runtime |
Cdsn_app_learn_state | Basic structure for state (e.g., full/delta checkpoint) transfer across nodes for an app, used by frameworks |
Cdsn_cli_reply | Cli response definition |
Cdsn_file_buffer_t | |
Cdsn_global_partition_id | |
Cdsn_msg_context_t | RPC message context |
Cdsn_msg_options_t | Options for RPC messages, used by dsn_msg_set_options and dsn_msg_get_options |